Sunday, 19 October 2008

Purple seagulls the Fanit youf hypotheses

There is a bit of an odd discussion here as to whether vanadium in it’s + 2 oxidation stage hydrolytic acid causing it to disassociate, the fume cupboard venting onto Chatham Houses roof was what caused the seagulls there to turn purple.

I am coming down on the side that potassium permanganate must have been involved, there is also an iodine school of thought here.

Anyone got any ideas?

Thursday, 9 October 2008

Doctors advice

There is a lot more medical advice going round the Thanet blogs at the moment so I thought it was my turn.

By following the simple advice I heard on a Medical TV show, I havefinally found inner peace.A Doctor proclaimed the way to achieve innerpeace is to finish all the things you have started.

So I looked around my house to see things I'd started and hadn'tfinished and, before leaving the house this morning, I finished off abottle of Merlot, a bottle of shhhardonay, a bodle of Baileys, a butleof vocka, a pockage of Prunglies , tha mainder of bot Prozic and Valumscriptins, the res of the Chesescke an a box a chocolets.

Yu haf no idr who fkin gud I fel.Peas sen dis orn to dem yu fee ar inned ov inr pece.